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Coat of arms carving


Hand carved and hand painted



The coats of arms are handcrafted in our workshops according to the desired designs or templates in any size, painted and refined with gold leaf and patina.


Coats of arms are decorative gifts for celebrations and honors. Our customers are cities and municipalities, clubs and associations as well as private individuals.


The heraldic workshops serve the museum for special internal tasks of the ongoing expansion, restoration and revision of the museum coats of arms. They also process replicas of the heraldica shown in the museum or in the museum archive for distribution - in particular hand-carved and hand-painted coats of arms of all types and sizes.


Authenticity and heraldic accuracy are guaranteed for every piece of coat of arms that has been sold and previously checked in the museum archive. The proceeds from this sale are used, among other things, to finance the museum.


The extensive museum archive offers the possibility to have any coat of arms produced, such as municipal coats of arms in Germany and abroad (states, cities, districts and communities), family coats of arms, historical coats of arms, guild coats of arms, company coats of arms, etc.).


Special requests will be considered, if possible. New designs, especially family coats of arms, are also very well looked after.


The hand-carved and hand-painted coat of arms pieces are worked as coat of arms plates, coat of arms plates, heraldic books and carved openwork.


The different degrees of difficulty of the motifs result in several price groups .



Family Crest
from design to completion

Lime wood
Hand painted
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